MWG Administrators extends our deepest appreciation for your business and will strive to keep you informed of changes we are making to enhance services for you and your clients.
Invoice Change
We are improving our group invoicing process. Starting with the May 2018 invoice, groups will receive a NON-SECURE email which includes an Invoice Summary. Click Here to view a sample of an Invoice Summary and a link to the Group Portal. A detailed invoice is available in the Group Portal.
Payment Changes
- The default payment option is ACH/Bank Draft. The default invoicing method is email.
- All groups with 10 employees or less will be required to submit payment via ACH and receive their invoice by email.
- Groups with more than 10 employees may elect to receive their monthly invoice by mail and/or pay via paper check; however, a $20.00 convenience fee will be included.
- Federal, state, and local government bodies, including school districts, will not be assessed the convenience fee.
- Groups receiving their invoice via email and paying electronically, utilizing the one-time payment option within their Group Portal will not be assessed the convenience fee.
- Groups may change their payment mode only at renewal.
- The above changes began on May 1, 2018 for all new groups. The changes will be implemented for existing groups on their renewal date. A letter will be sent to existing groups with their renewal letters regarding invoice and payment changes for their group.
Remember through our Broker Portal you can request access to your group clients, help your clients with additions, changes and terminations, customize marketing materials, update contact information, and update your banking information.
Thank you in advance for your assistance as we implement these changes. Should you have any questions, please contact your Broker Services Representative at 1-877-759-5728. We appreciate your business and look forward to working with you now and in the future.
MWG Administrators
A Division of Morgan White Group